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Our Genuine Guide


“What is it that when you do it, you lose track of time because you get so lost in it? What do you do that makes you think, “I could do this forever”? What is it that makes you think, “I was made for this”? ~Rob Bell, Love Wins


No matter what your opinion of Rob Bell, the questions he poses here are woven throughout scripture, and are our guides home to what God intends us to be—our original beauty.

The book of Jeremiah poses it this way, God to Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you…”

But oh! How life happens in this world can lean hard in upon us drawing us as far from God’s dream of us as the east is from the west. Blinding us from our glory as if our spiritual eye is gouged out with a searing poker.

I believe that Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” is often misunderstood. It is not speaking strictly of the Faith. Rather it specifically refers to how to parent. A parenting tutorial so to speak.

Before we can “train a child in the way he should go”, first we must see—really see—who God intends that child to be. Not what we think will bring financial security, the most successful spouse, secure him a spot in the best schools, or even make him a great leader as pastor or politician.

We must seek God’s unique dream for our children. Even if that dream is as humanly downcast as Elijah sitting by a brook in the wilderness waiting for the ravens to bring him food. Most of us rather have our children have enough money to call Uber Eats for food delivery rather than waiting on ravens with no shelter.

Faith is foundational; yet many well-meaning Christians suffer greatly because while we believe in God, we often have absolutely no idea of who God dreamed of as he knit us in our mother’s womb.

So, we end up in Corporate America, Academia, or some other position where we feel moderately sure we’ll be able to buy The house, The cars, and pay the numerous bills that come along with all the trappings.

When I was a young mother, I found myself in such a place. I was a Vice President of Marketing in Corporate America and making a ridiculous amount of money so that I could afford The “right” neighborhood and send my children to The “right” schools.

All was well…for a time. However, as I wrote in my first book, Passport through Darkness, I began waking up restless in the middle of the night. I had become a Christian at eleven and felt very devoted, but now my spiritual life felt more like a checklist than a passion.

I began crying out to God, “Isn’t there more?” every day and night.

I knew I was good at sales, marketing, and money but I had no idea as to Who I was born to be and how God wanted me to use the gifts he’d given me to advance the kingdom.

No one had ever talked to me about those things. I had always sort of seen my career and my faith as two separate parts of myself. I had never linked them as twins of my mission in life.

Can we advance the kingdom of God by working a “secular” job? Of course! There are many people doing so because they have made the connection that their “job” is an opportunity to serve others, help others to provide for their families, encourage others, and shed light in dark places.

The thing is we must first know who God dreams of when he thinks of us. Identify our passions—what as the great Christian leader Howard Thurman said, “There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have.”

That “sound of the genuine” is God’s voice beckoning us toward his dream—our mission—for us. It is our original beauty.

Love, your sister along the journey, +k

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